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Albert S. Cook Library

TSEM 102: Islam and the West (Schmitz)

Library Resources for TSEM102:056

Beware of Citation Generators

Many of our research databases include tools to help you collect citation and reference information. While these tools can be useful, they can also be wrong, as you can see in this example. Author names and article titles might be in all-caps, information can be missing or extra information added, and typos show up regularly.

Errors from auto created database citations, including wrong capitalization for authors' names and article title, missing end of page range, and missing DOI or URL.

Tools like this can help you keep track of important information, but you can't copy-paste these citations into your paper without double-checking all the elements. Capitalization, typos, and other editing errors you can check yourself - you can also use the Library's citation guides to be sure all the right information is there.

Cook Library Citation Guides

Need help citing your sources? These guides from Cook Library should get you started.