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Albert S. Cook Library

Getting Materials from Other Campuses

How to get materials through USMAI and ILL.

ILL in the Cook OneSearch System

Many research projects will require the use of materials shared by libraries outside the TU and USMAI collections. We still have access to those materials, but finding your way to them may feel different in our new library system. Below you will find some tips for finding and ordering ILL materials in the current environment.

Expanding Your Search

If you want to see materials outside USMAI in your search results, begin from the Advanced Search page. Then run an "Everything" search. 

Once you have search results, make sure that you are signed into the system. Your name should appear in the upper right of the screen. 

Most of your results will probably be "available online" or "available in TU." To see more items from other campuses, use the slider in the upper left to "Expand My Results"

After you switch this button, your results will change, with many items not available on campus. We recommend that researchers run both types of searches in order to guarantee that they are seeing all available items.

Multiple Request Buttons

Many off-campus items will come up with two available request buttons, one for USMAI and another for ILL

Showing USMAI and ILL buttons offered for a single catalog item

The forms for the two options look different. This is the USMAI form:

This is the ILL form:

Note that the ILL form is longer and opens a new window outside the online catalog. When given a choice, default to the USMAI form.

Lonable and Nonloanable Items from USMAI

Sometimes items are held by consortium libraries but cannot be loaned to patrons. The form both the catalog record and the USMAI loan form will indicate if you are able to borrow an item, as shown in the screencasts below.