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Albert S. Cook Library

Religious Studies

Book catalogs, article databases, and multidisciplinary resources in support of Religious Studies.

Religious Studies at Cook Library

"If I went back to college today, I think I would probably major in comparative religion, because that's how integrated it is in everything...

-John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State

Religious studies is a multidisciplinary field, borrowing techniques and concepts from humanities and social sciences. Research materials include print and electronic books, archives, journals,, and media.

The Albert S. Cook Library supports the Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies through books, journals, articles, multimedia and web resources. Thousands of in-depth resources lie within reach using the left-hand sidebar.

Discovery Tools:

Religious Studies in the Cook Library Stacks

Cook Library has a very extensive collection of print material in Religious Studies. Collections are shelved by Library of Congress Classification on the 5th floor. Catalog records are marked STACKS

The Baltimore Hebrew Institute (BHI) Meyerhoff Collection on the 2nd floor specializes in Judaism, but has material every subject.

Material will be shelved by initial letters, according to the table below:

B - Philosophy BJ - Ethics BR - Christianity
BC - Logic BL - Religions-Mythology-Rationalism BS - Bible
BD - Speculative Philosophy BM - Judaism BT - Doctrinal Theology
BF - Psychology BP - Islam-Bahaism-Theosophy BV - Practical Theology
BH - Aesthetics BQ - Buddhism BX - Christian Denominations

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