Community Engagement: Survey to discover what resources are needed locally and broadly.
Community Engagement: Communicate the opportunity broadly and through many channels.
Community Engagement: Start a conversation about the possibility of engaging students and colleagues in OER creation.
Mapping path forward author handout
Outline of the book production services on offer through your program
Outline of requirements - project criteria, what we want authors to provide
Selection committee - who’s on it and what to ask of them
Community Engagement: Consider asking authors to select colleagues to peer review the OER.
Email templates of what was covered in-person conversations.
Consider a detailed checklist or project management system
Ensure understanding of open licenses and implications
Template spreadsheet for tracking OER, for example, images
Regularly check-in with authors, as often as weekly, and at least every six weeks
Ask author to provide early sample chapter to confirm license compliance, style guide usage, and otherwise provide feedback
Community Engagement: Create a way for adopters to self-identify and connect with authors.
Community Engagement: Look to see if adopters have created ancillary resources to accompany the OER.
Create form or other method for tracking adoption and submitting errata
By Open Education Network. Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.