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Albert S. Cook Library

COMM 201: Introduction to Communication

A guide to finding, evaluating, and citing scholarly articles for an annotated bibliography assignment

Using Microsoft 365

As a TU student, you have free access to Microsoft 365, a set of cloud-hosted and office suite applications that allows you to work anywhere using your favorite device. Work is saved automatically and you can easily collaborate with others. This is similar to using Google Drive & Google Docs, but Office 365 is supported by the university and formatting remains in tact after you download your final paper. 

For more information and tutorials on how to get started, visit the OTS learning resources page:

APA Publication Manual (7th ed.)

More Information

While this guide provides examples for many of the most common sources you may need to cite and attempts to represent variations within those sources, it is not comprehensive. If you need more help, you should refer to the APA style website, in particular pages linked here regarding the elements of reference list entries and what to do about missing reference information.

Test your Knowledge: Citing GenAI

Writing Center at Towson