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Albert S. Cook Library

COMM 131/132: Public Speaking

A guide for finding research on various topics for speeches.

Cite your sources in APA Style

Why cite in your speech?

Verbally citing source in your speech will:

  • Add credibility to your statements
  • Show the audience you know your stuff
  • Give credit to others for their work and ideas

Creating a Verbal Citation

Your verbal citation should be brief but highlight the most important information: who, what and when.

  • Author
  • Author Credentials
  • Title of work (article, report, etc.)
  • Date of work (if relevant)

Use an introductory phrase:

"According to Professor Dumbledore at Hogwarts University..."

"Rita Sketter, a journalist with the Daily Prophet, wrote in her 2014 article..."

Verbally cite your sources

Chart revised from Janene Davison