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Basic pattern:
Author last name, first name. Title of Work. Publisher, Year.
Kurlansky, Mark. Salt: A World History. Walker, 2002.
Marin, Joseph, and Simone Caldwell. Writing for College Freshmen. Doubleday, 2014.
Barnett, Jeffrey E., et. al. Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Psychologists: An Essential Resource. American Psychological Association, 2014.
Follow the basic pattern shown above for print books, but include a version note for the e-book edition (E-book ed.) and place this information after the title. Include the name of the database and italicize it. If required include a permalink or DOI for the title.
Pardes, Les, and Don Seegmiller. Mastering Digital 2D and 3D Art. E-book ed., Thomson CourseTechnology, 2005. Ebrary Academic Complete,
Begin the citation with the author and title of the specific chapter or selection containing the material referenced in the text. Next list the title of book containing the chapter or selection and include a contributor note indicating editors' names and place this information directly after the title. At the end of the citation, include the specific page range for the chapter or selection.
McGlinchey, Eleanor. “Sleep and Adolescents.” Sleep and Affect: Assessment, Theory, and Clinical Implications, edited by Kimberly Babson and Matthew Feldner, Academic P, 2015, pp. 421- 440.
Begin the entry with the name of the author and title of source. After the title, add the name of the translator as a contributor.
Turgenev, Ivan. The Plays of Ivan Tergenev. Translated by M.S. Mandell, Russell & Russell, 1970.
If the encyclopedia entry has an individual author, begin the entry with the author's name, then list the article title in double quotation marks. List the title of the encyclopedia containing the entry and the names of the editors (if given), Follow this with version notes, such as edition, volume, and e-book. List publisher name, date, database title, and if desired, permalink/DOI to entry.
McEwan, Gordon. “Machu Picchu.” Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, edited by Erik Langer and Jay Kinsbruner, 2nd ed., vol. 4, E-book ed., Charles Scribner's Sons, 2008. Gale Virtual Reference Library,
"Amy Beach." Encyclopedia of World Biography Online, vol. 23, E-book ed. Gale, 2003. Gale In Context: Biography,
Masters theses and doctoral dissertations that have not been published in book format are considered "unpublished" documents. List the author's name and cite the theses or dissertation title within double quotation marks. After the title, note the type of document (masters theses or dissertation) followed by the name of the institution, and the year. If you retrieved the theses or dissertation online, add either the URL or information from the database containing the dissertation.
Humphries, Eugenia. "Lorraine Hansberry: The Visionary American Playwright," State U of New York at Stony Brook, 1988. ProQuest Theses and Dissertations Global,
Long, Stephen Leonard. " ''Failed Love' in the Drama of Edward Albee." Masters Thesis, Eastern Illinois U, 1985,