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Albert S. Cook Library

TSEM 102 Notable Music Makers: The Beatles (Creek/ Gibson)

Accessing Articles Later

If you find an article that you would like to come back to, do not copy and paste the URL from the top of your web browser. In many databases, these URLs change frequently as articles are added and removed, so the URL you copy may not work later. The safest option is always to find and download the PDF and save it in a safe place. However, you can also create a permalink, which is a stable URL that will work for you later. Different databases will put the permalink icon in different places, but the icon usually looks like a small chain.

Some databases may not have a permalink icon for you. If you find an article and you don't see an option to save a permalink, you can use the Cook Library's Proxy Builder to create your stable URL. Copy and paste your URL into the first box, and a stable URL will be created for you in the second box.

Subject-Specific Resources

Multi-disciplinary Databases

Optimal Search Strategies

Remember to approach database searching like an information detective:

  • Try several databases using a variety of keywords.
  • Mine the subject and keyword tags to optimize future searches.
  • Hunt through references and bibliographies for additional source possibilities.
  • Scan abstracts and opening paragraphs to assess suitability quickly.