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Albert S. Cook Library

TSEM 190: Visions of Water (Siegel)

What if we don't have the book you want?

No problem! You have access to the World's libraries by using Interlibrary Loan. Simply request the book (or article) you want and our team of library ninjas will work to locate a copy we can borrow from another library. While electronic resources can be delivered in a day or two, physical books require more time to process and ship to our location. Be sure to start your research early to identify what materials outside Cook you will need and ensure they get to you in time.

Finding Books & ebooks online

Browsing books in the academic library

The books in Cook Library are organized using the Library of Congress Call Classification System. While it isn't as intuitive a design as you would find in a bookstore, there is method behind the madness! Serendipitous browsing can be a fun way to find new inspiration for your art. Cook's circulating collection begins on the 5th floor with call number range A-M and continues onto the 4th floor with books in the call number ranges N-Z and our juvenile books collection. Library floor plans and directory information can be found here.

Library of Congress Classification At-a-glance:

5th Floor of Cook Library:

A - General Works (Encyclopedias, Directories, Indexes)

B - Philosophy, Psychology, Religion

C - Auxiliary Sciences of History (Archeology, Numismatics, Biography)

D - General & Eastern History

E - American History

F - Western History

G - Geography, Anthropology, Recreation (Maps, Folklore, Oceanography, Sports, Dancing)

H - Social Sciences & Business

J - Political Science

K - Law

L - Education

M - Music

4th Floor of Cook Library:

N - Fine Arts

(NA - Architecture, NB - Sculpture, NC - Drawing & illustration, ND - Painting, NE - Print Media, NK - Decorative Arts)

P - Languages & Literature (you can find Graphic Novels in subclass PN6700)

Q - Science (Geology, Botany, Zoology, Human Anatomy)

R - Medicine

S - Agriculture (Plant & Animal Culture, Forestry)

T - Technology (railroads, Construction, Electrical Engineering)

U - Military Science

V - Naval Science

Z - Library Science, Bookmaking, Typography