"In the United States and around the world, water security is increasingly in jeopardy. Too much water, too little water, or water of poor quality can endanger life, property, economies and ecosystems." From the NOAA website
"HDgov is a multi-agency website for all things human dimensions of natural resources.
The web portal is developed to reduce the time required to find interagency resources and has a strong focus on the application of social science concepts, methods, and information. The use of nontechnical language makes content accessible to all users regardless of background. The information on the site is also a helpful resource for current studies and collaboration for both students and researchers."
An agency of the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. "The Hydrogeology and Hydrology Program, in cooperation with the U.S. Geological Survey, is responsible for the maintenance of a statewide water-data network, as well as the investigation of hydrologic and geologic characteristics of Maryland water resources."