This LibGuide gathers many of the resources arts faculty and students at Towson will find helpful for performing, learning, researching, and collaborating. It is not exhaustive by any means, and it focuses on two areas in particular:
The menu on the left contains categorized sources for you to use as you explore your research topics. Under each category, you will find a wide variety of resources for the study of the arts. Remember that online tools paid for by the University will require you to log in with your Net ID if you are accessing these from off campus.
The LibGuide is a place to start. It will not fill every research need, nor will it be intuitive to every learner. Please, please reach out to a librarian via chat, email, or by appointment if you have additional questions.
Subscription includes: Grove Art Online, The Oxford Companion to Western Art, Encyclopedia of Aesthetics, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms. Over 45,000 articles on every aspect of the visual arts are included. This database also includes 5,000 images from institutions such as the British Museum, the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), and the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
The largest online collection of classical music, operas, and ballets in the world, this database offers access to the best of classical music with over 1,800 programs (3,000 original works), including concerts and archived historical concerts, operas, ballets, documentaries, artist portraits and educational programs, and master classes. See Terms and Conditions