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Albert S. Cook Library

How to Start Your Research

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Getting Full Text Articles

If you do not see a full text article link look for the Cook Library Find It button in order to:

  • Access online full text (when available)
  • See if the journal is available in print (library catalog)
  • Request a pdf of the article if full text is not available online (Interlibrary Loan)

If you have the citation for the article you are trying to access, search the Journal List to check if the library subscribes to your specific article.  

First, Formulate a Search

This video, from the Albert S. Cook Library, runs 3:29 and was last updated in 2015.


Find an Article with Cook OneSearch

This video, "Find Journal Articles with Cook OneSearch" from the Albert S. Cook Library, discusses how to search for and access articles in Cook OneSearch. This video runs 3:05 and was last updated in October 2024.

Refine Database Search Results

This video, "Refine Database Search Results" from the Albert S. Cook Library, discusses how to conduct a search and refine your results. This video runs 14:34 and was last updated in September, 2020.

Identify Peer-Reviewed Publications

An article that is "peer-reviewed" refers to articles that have undergone a rigorous review process, often including revisions to the original manuscript, by peers in their discipline, before publication in a scholarly journal. Other ways to describe a peer-reviewed article include: empirical studies, review articles, scholarly articles, academic articles, or research articles.

How can you tell if a publication is peer-reviewed?

  1. Check the journal home page. A quick Google search of the journal title will allow you to locate most journal home pages, and the description of the journal will notify you if the journal content is peer-reviewed.
  2. Check the publication date. Often peer-reviewed articles will have two dates: a date of submission and a date of acceptance. 
  3. Be careful: a peer-reviewed journal can contain non-peer reviewed articles such as brief news items, short communications, or editorials. Always look over the content of the article to be sure.

Save your Search

Always remember to keep track of your information sources. Copy pasting the URL for the article is sometimes not enough!

Make note of the article authors, journal title, and article title, so you can be sure to find the article again. You will also need these pieces of information for a citation.

If you are using an EBSCO database, you can save the Permalink. The Permalink will always take you back to the article. See the screenshot below on where to locate the Permalink in Cook OneSearch.

Click on a result in Cook OneSearch, Locate the "Tools" box on the right, Click Permalink to create a URL