If you do not see a full text article link look for the button in order to:
If you have the citation for the article you are trying to access, search the Journal List to check if the library subscribes to your specific article.
The term "article" may be used to describe a variety of sources: journal articles, magazine articles, newspaper articles, book reviews, trade publications, and more. What makes one kind of article different from another is who wrote it, who reads it, and what kind of source published it.
Even academic journals publish different types of articles! In some courses, your focus will be on primary sources also known as empirical papers also known as original research studies. Within the natural and social sciences, primary sources detail how the authors collected original data via a particular methodology, then share outcomes and implications. Keep in mind: Although all primary sources aka empirical papers are academic journal articles, not all academic journal articles are primary sources. Because academic journal databases don't have a built-in button to click that limits results to only empirical papers, you should:
How can you tell the database to search only for research studies? Conduct your search as usual (for more help on creating a database search query, visit Search for Sources), then, using a blank search bar:
You can search the same subject in a single database and generate very different results, depending upon whether you conduct a keyword search or Thesaurus Terms search. The guides below both research differentiated instruction in Education Research Complete.
Using Thesaurus Terms will generate a very narrow search, with fewer results than a keyword search. That's because it's using a controlled language. Sometimes that's good; often, it can be informative to do both a keyword and Thesaurus Term search. You might even decide to use Thesaurus Terms in multiple search bars!
Let's compare the Thesaurus Term search with a keyword search.
Some of these databases provide access to the full text of articles, but some only provide access to the citation and abstract. Read the descriptions to pick the type you need.
Find books, articles, media, government information, and other library resources all in one place. Search what Towson owns as well as resources at other USMAI Libraries.