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Albert S. Cook Library

Books for Teaching Math

Resources for finding books that may be used in K-12 math instruction.

How to Use This Guide

Welcome! This guide is designed to help TU students, faculty, and staff find books that can be used in K-12 mathematics instruction. It contains information on how to search Cook OneSearch and the TU catalog to find books in our collection. It also lists examples of books that related to the Maryland College and Career Ready standards.


Need help searching our catalog to find math books? Check the Finding Books page for tips.


Looking for trade books on a topic? Select a College and Career Ready Standard from the left menu and navigate to the subpage for the grade level you are interested in. Then, find the section labeled "Trade Books."


Looking for books that describe activities, instructional strategies, or other pedagogical considerations? Select a College and Career Ready Standard from the left menu and navigate to the subpage for the grade level you are interested in. Then, find the section labeled "Other Books."

For general books that are not specific to one standard, visit the Math Pedagogy page instead.


Want to find trade books that cover multiple standards for each grade level? Visit the General Books section and select a grade level.


Have a suggestion for a math book we should buy for our collection? Email the Math Librarian, Elisabeth White.


New Math Books at Cook