Citation tracking metrics determine how many times an article has been cited by others. Citation tracking can be useful when determining the most important articles in a field.
Look for Citation Tracking in Google Scholar, some EBSCO databases, PubMed, and Scopus.
Use CitationChaser to do forward and backward citation ctracking on one or more articles.
Forward and Backward Citation Tracking
Other Article Metrics
Aside from citation tracking, there are other useful indicators that can paint a picture of the impact of an article:
captures - the number of times an article has been bookmarked on platforms like Mendeley
mentions - the number of appearances in blogs, news articles, wikipedia, and other content
social media shares - number of posts on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn
usage statistics - downloads and page views from a publisher's site or from a repository
Use the Altmetric Bookmarklet
Using Scopus to Identify Highly Cited Articles
You can use the database Scopus to view highly-cited articles in a subject area, from an author, and from an institution. The following video demonstrates how to do so. It runs approximately 5 minutes and was last updated in April, 2021.