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Albert S. Cook Library

Science Education

Research guide for Science Education


Looking for a textbook? The library may have it electronically or in print. Search our Course Books in the Library page to see if your course is listed.

If we do have your textbook, the title will link you to the book on Cook OneSearch. If it is an eBook, access it using a PDF or ePub Full Text link or the yellow Find It button on the left side of the screen. If it is a print book, you can check it out from the service desk on the main (third) floor of the library. Most print textbooks can be checked out for 2 hours at a time.

Head of Library Teaching

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Elisabeth B. White
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Phone: (410) 704-8026

Print Books

Our book stacks on the fourth and fifth floors have reopened to the public. You may now browse the stacks and bring any books you wish to check out to the library help desk where a staff member will assist you.

You may still request to have a book held for you by looking up the title in Cook OneSearch or the TU catalog and clicking on the "Request Item" link. Our staff will pull the book, email you when it's available, and you may pick it up from the help desk during our open hours.

Electronic Books

The Cook Library subscribes to several databases you can use to search for eBooks. Remember, you can find more through Cook OneSearch. Select "eBooks" under Format on the left side of the results screen to limit your results to just eBooks.

Science Education Books at Cook

Here are a few print and eBooks available at the Cook Library. You can find these books and more using Cook OneSearch.