Step 1: Go to Business Source Complete Database
- If Off-Campus: You’ll need to log in with your NetID & password after you click on the database link.
Step 2: Go to Advanced Search
- Select the “Advanced Search” link underneath the search boxes in the Business Source Complete Database
Step 3: Search for Your Article
The following screenshot illustrates a search for this sample article:
Levitt, T. (1960). Marketing Myopia. Harvard Business Review, 38(4), 45-56.
![screenshot of search for article](//
Step 4: Locate the Full-Text of Your Article
Note: Selected articles in HBR are “read-only”: they must be read on the screen and cannot be saved, printed, emailed, or linked to.
![screenshot of levitt article pointing out link to PDF file. Some articles are available in HTML format as well.](