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Albert S. Cook Library


Export from Cook OneSearch or other EBSCOhost Databases

  1. First, make sure you are signed in through the Cook Library website so that you can collect the references you want to keep.
  2. Collect the references you want to keep by clicking on the blue folder with a plus sign. They will appear in your temporary folder on the right while you continue to browse.
  3. When you are ready to export your references, go to Folder View > choose Export on the right side of the page.
  4. Make sure that "Direct Export in RIS Format (e.g. CITAVI, EasyBib, EndNote, ProCite, Reference Manager, Zotero)" is selected. Click Save.
  5. In EndNote Online/EndNote Web, go to Collect > Import References > browse to file > choose "Refman RIS", click Import. In EndNote X9/EndNote 20, go to References > Import > browse to file > choose "Refman RIS," click Import.

See our list of other EBSCOhost databases on our A-Z database list.

Add References Manually

EndNote Web/Online/Basic

Go to Collect > New Reference > choose a reference type, and enter the citation information.

EndNote Desktop

In EndNote X9/EndNote 20, go to References > New Reference, choose a reference type, and enter the citation information.

Export References from PubMed to EndNote

  1. Search for or find your article/s in PubMed, and select the articles you wish to export by checking the boxes next to the article titles.
  2. Click on Send to > Citation manager > Create File.
  3. Open the EndNote Library you would like to add your articles to.
  4. In EndNote Web/EndNote Online, go to Collect > Import References > browse to the file > select "PubMed (NLM)" as the import option > Import. In EndNote Desktop (X9 or 20), go to File > Import File > browse to the file > choose "PubMed (NLM)" as the import option. Note: If you don't see "PubMed (NLM)" as an option, go to Edit > Import Filters > Open Filter Manager and search for PubMed (NLM).