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APA Style

Citation guide for the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (7th ed).

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You can also:

Basic Book Citations

Basic format

Author Last Name, Initials, & Author Last Name, Initials. (Date). Title of book (ed, vol.). Publisher name.

eBooks format

Author Last Name, Initials, & Author Last Name, Initials. (Date). Title of book. (ed. vol.). Publisher name. DOI or URL

**Note: Include the DOI when available. If the book has no DOI but is available on a website outside of an academic database, including the URL. Do not include the URL for books from academic research databases.

Book Examples

One author

Hemingway, E. (1996). A moveable feast. Scribner Classics.

Multiple authors

If a book has 21 or more authors, include the first 19 authors, and then use the an ellipsis (...) followed by the name of the last author. 

Disclafani, C. B., Dahl, D., Nixon, S., Crest, S., Olson, C., Ranadive, M., Smith, T., Davis, R., Cameron, M., Renner, B., Hand, T., Burdick, K., Stenson, P., Walker, R., Cox, N., Covey, S., Jackson, B., Mestre, A., Creswell, J., ...Potsdam, N. (2016). A compilation of works. Lippincott Williams Wilkins.

eBook with a DOI or URL

Brooking, D. E. (2010). Research on distance learning. Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Edited Books

Note: An edited book will replace the author's name with the editor's name.

Guitar, B. & McCauley, R. (Eds.) (2016). Treatment of stuttering: Established and emerging interventions. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 

Fujioka, T., Dawson, D. R., Wright, R., Chen, J. J., Stuss, D. T., Black, S. E. (2018). The effects of music-supported therapy on motor, cognitive, and psychosocial functions in chronic stroke (Vol. 1). Blackwell Publishing Inc.

Book Chapters & Encyclopedia Articles

Chapter in an Edited Book

Note: If the chapter is from an eBook make sure to include the DOI, if available. If not, include the URL if the book is available on a website other than an academic research database. If the ebook is from an academic database and has no DOI, do not include the URL.

Basic Format

Author, A., A. & Author, B. B. (Date). Title of chapter. In A. A. Editor (Ed.), Title of book (ed. pp. #-#). Publisher name. DOI or URL


Bjork, R. (2015). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In H. L. Roediger & F. I. Craik (Eds.), Varieties of memory & consciousness (5th ed., pp. 136-151). Erlbaum.

Rubel, N. L. (2017). The feast at the end of the fast: The evolution of an American Jewish ritual. In L. Hochman (Ed.), Tastes of faith: Jewish eating in the United States (pp. 136-151). Purdue University Press.

Encyclopedia Article

Bergman, P. (2016). Relativity. In The new encyclopedia Britannica. (5th ed., pp. 501-508). Encyclopedia Britannica. 

MacLaurin, T. (2015). Antibacterial soaps, detergents, and dishwashing liquids. In K. Albala (Ed.), The SAGE encyclopedia of food issues (pp. 46-47). SAGE Publications, Inc.

Classical Works or Works of Literature

Classical works and classical literature, are cited in book format. Examples include citations from Greek and Roman works, and Shakespeare.

  • For the citation of ancient Greek and Roman works two dates are included. The copyright date of the version used and the original date of the publication. If the original publication date is approximated to a time period, it is identified with "ca." (circa). 
  • Canonically number parts of a source, such as books, chapters, verses, lines, this portion will be referenced in place of the page number. 


Plato. (2015). Friendship. (B. Jowett, Trans.).  The Internet Classics Archive. (Original work published ca. 380 B.C.E.)

Shakespeare, W. (2016). Hamlet (R. Gibson, Ed.). Cambridge University Press. (Original work published 1603)