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Albert S. Cook Library

APA Style

Citation guide for the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (7th ed).

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You can also:

Website with an Individual Author

Author, Initials. (Date). Title of page. Website name. URL

Koerth, M. (2019, October 30). Why carbon capture hasn't saved us from climate change yet. FiveThirtyEight.

Website with a Group Author

If the publishing organization and the website name are the same, you do not need to include the website name in your citation.

Name of Organization Or Group. (Date). Title of page. Website name. URL

Centers for Disease Control. (2018, May 16). Six things you need to know about vaccines.

Webpage without Individual Author

Name of Specific Agency Responsible for Content. (Date). Title of webpage. Add names of parent agencies if available. URL

Often times, these webpages do not have individual authors, instead use the agency or company responsible for the information. If there is no obvious date, there may be a date last modified located near the end of the content. If neither are present, use n.d. for "no date". 


National Institutes of Mental Health. (2018, March). Older adults and mental health. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.

Website with No Date

Author, Initials. (n. d.). Title of page. Website name. URL

Albert S. Cook Library. (n.d.). About us.

Website with a Retrieval Date

If you are citing a website in which the contents of the page are likely to change frequently, include a retrieval date in your citation.

Author, Initials. (Date). Title of page. Website name. Retrieved Date, from URL

Worldometer. (n. d.). Current world population. Retrieved January 14, 2020, from

Blog Post

Author, Initials. (Date). Title of post. Name of Blog. URL

Estes, A. C. (2019, November 26). Amazon quietly reveals plan to put Alexa in almost everything. Gizmodo.