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Albert S. Cook Library

APA Style

Citation guide for the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (7th ed).

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Some Notes about Business Sources

Many of the unique sources business students require making adaptations to APA's guidelines. A few principles used to create the examples on this page include:

  • If there is no title, put a description of the resource in square brackets.
  • Provide the name of the database and the url of of the database you retrieved the work from when it is necessary for readers to be able to retrieve the information from that database. For example, this would be necessary for a data set from Simmons but not from Business Source Complete.

Press Release

Towson University. (2019, June 5). TU’s new brand is named ‘Best Rebrand Campaign' [Press Release].

Business Source Complete: Marketline Report

Marketline. (2019, September 25). Company profile: Comcast Corporation.

Gale Directory Library: Marketshare Reporter

Gale. (2020). Alternative fueling stations in Maryland, 2018. In R. S. Lazich & V. L. Burton, III (Eds.), Market Share Reporter (30th ed.).

Nexis Uni: Hoover's Company Records - In-depth Records

Hoover's Inc. (2020, January 1). T. Rowe Price Group, Inc.; Hoover's company records - in-depth records.


Euromonitor. (2020). [Historical/Forecast of the egg category in the fresh food industry for 2019-2024] [Data set]. Passport. https://www-portal-euromonitor-com


Quick Report

Simmons Research LLC. (2016, Fall). [Demographic profile of library (where used - mo?)]. Simmons Insights.


Simmons Research LLC. (2016, Fall). [Crosstab of library (where used - mo?) and (actual websites used/visited lst 30days)] [Data set]. Simmons Insights.


Conway, J. (2019, January). Net sales of McCormick & Company Inc. worldwide from 2011 to 2018. Statista.


List Partners, Inc. (2020). Under Armour, Inc. Winmo.