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Albert S. Cook Library

MKTG 431: Marketing Analytics (Kulkarni)

Business & Economics Librarian

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Shana Gass
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This guide will help you with the research for your project to propose a social media strategy for your chosen client company.

Use the links on the left to:

  • Research companies
  • Research industries (including the social media industry itself)
  • Research target markets/customers, marketing, and advertising
  • Locate articles on your client companies and their competitors and industry, social media, and your customers.
  • Get information on citing your sources.

Your Pre-Assignment

Working as a team, please complete the pre-assignment by 11:59pm, 2/17.
(Note: you won't need permission to edit the document. Simply download a copy to complete and send to Shana at when you're done. I'll let Prof. Kulkarni know that your group has completed it.)

This pre-assignment will help you get background on your client company and social media platform.

Looking forward to working with you for the class research sessions,
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 in Cook Library #208 during your classtime!


Your Post-Assignment

This is an assignment basically asking your team to search for & identify articles useful for this project using a selection of the Cook Business Article databases and also check out some social media analytics sites.

You can start work on it during the research session & then it is due to Shana by 11:59PM, Monday, March 10

As with the pre-assignment, go to the Google Doc to download the assignment for your team to edit its own copy.

Email your team responses to Shana by the deadline.

If you have questions about the assignment get in touch with Shana -- she is here to help you!