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Albert S. Cook Library


A guide to using the citation management tool Mendeley.

Adding a Non-PDF to Your Library

PDF is the only supported file type in Mendeley, so you are not able to store resources that are in different formats. Instead, you may wish to convert your source into PDF form and then import it. If converting to PDF is not possible, then you may still create an entry for it in Mendeley to keep track of citation information.

The video below describes the process of adding a non-PDF to your Mendeley library.

Converting a File to a PDF

If you have a document that is not a PDF, check to see if you may save it as a PDF. For example, if you want to import a MS Word document, you could save it as a PDF and then import it to your library.

I recommend using the Print to PDF option to import websites into Mendeley. Locate your desired website and then select "Print" from your browser. Select "Print to PDF" from the list of printers. Printing to PDF will create a PDF version of that website which you can then import into your Mendeley library. Note that Print to PDF will only capture the website at that exact moment in time. If a website updates after you save your PDF, those changes will not appear when you view the file in Mendeley.

Adding Citation Information Manually

If your source cannot be converted to a PDF, you can still create an entry for it in Mendeley to help you keep track of which sources you used and generate in-text citations and reference lists as you are writing.

Follow the steps below to import something that cannot be converted to a PDF. Note that you will not be able to view these documents in your library, but you will still be able to store the citation information so that it may be used to generate in-text citations and bibliographies.

  1. Click on "+Add New" and select "Add Manual Entry."

  2. If your source has a digital object identifier (DOI), paste it into the first box. If Mendeley recognizes the DOI, it will look fill in the remaining fields for you.

  3. Select the appropriate information format from the "Reference Type" dropdown menu. Select "Generic" if your document type is not on the list.

  4. Fill in the information about your source and click "Save."
