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Albert S. Cook Library


A guide to using the citation management tool Mendeley.

Searching Your Full Library

To search your full library:

1. Select "All References" from the left sidebar to view all items in your library.

2. Type your search terms into the search bar at the top right.

The Mendeley search bar appears near the top right of the screen, underneath the sync icon and user profile dropdown.


3. Type in your search terms and hit enter. A list of documents in your library containing those terms will appear.

4. Double click on an article in your results list to view the full text.

5. Click on the small magnifying glass icon near the top right to search for terms within your article.

Clicking on the magnifying glass at the top right hand corner when an article is open will open a pop-up. Type your terms into the box labeled "Find in this PDF..." and hit enter to see each place they appear in your article.

Searching Within a Folder

In addition to searching your entire library, you can also search within a folder. Start by opening the desired folder by clicking on its name on the left side of the screen. Then, follow the process described in the previous section to search. This time, your search will only bring up documents within the folder you have open.